Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Chapter nine CRCB ENG 75 summaries

Chapter nine CRCB ENG 75 summaries
In this chapter an author is describing for us how to get the most out of what we read. The best way is to question yourself before and after you read, questioning yourself help you confirm that you have correctly identified main ideas and details, establish a purpose for reading, create a mental framework, and react to what you read. When you preview you got the chance to develop a framework by asking questions, there are a steps for previewing a reading assignment, its start with reading quickly and focusing on the title of the chapter, the second step is to develop questions like (who, what, where, when), and the last step is to predict content. And also when you develop a question try to ask and answer yourself, understand section, and monitor your reading. This dialogue, this active helps you understand and remember book material.

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