Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Exercise 10b CRCB ENG75 page#327

Exercise 10b CRCB ENG75 page#327
Based on the title of the article, what do you expect it to be about?

Lifting the veil on sex slavery

What do you know already about the Taliban’s treatment of women?

Women were forced to wear the burqa in public, because, according to a Taliban spokesman, "the face of a woman is a source of corruption for men not related to them. They were not allowed to work. They were not allowed to be educated after the age of eight.

Are you familiar with the following vocabulary words, if not, looking them up in a dictionary before you start reading?

Tantamount: equivalent: being essentially equal to something

Degradation: The act of reducing in rank, character, or reputation, or of abasing; a lowering from one's standing or rank in office or society

Complicity: guilt as an accomplice in a crime or offense

Revering: Referring to something that is respected

What question might you expect this article to answer?

What are the processes that should be taken to serve woman’s freedom of movement?

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