Sunday, April 26, 2009

Chapter one summaries CRCB ENG 75

Chapter one summaries CRCB ENG 75
Reading involves many complex skills that have to come together in order for the reader to be successful. For example, proficient readers recognize the purpose for reading, approach the reading with that purpose in mind, use strategies that have proven successful to them in the past when reading similar texts for similar purposes, monitor their comprehension of the text in light of the purpose for reading, and if needed adjust their strategy use. Proficient readers know when unknown words will interfere with achieving their purpose for reading, and when they won't. When unknown words arise and their meaning is needed for. Reading is also a complex process in that proficient readers give to the text as much as they take. They make meaning from the text by using their own prior knowledge and experiences. Proficient readers are constantly making predictions while reading. They are continuously anticipating what will come next. Their prior knowledge and experiences with texts as well as with the world around them allow them to do this. It is this continuous interaction with the text that allows readers to make sense of what they are reading. Learning journal is also an active learning tasks, it helps you identify what you understand in reading assignment and what is still unclear, it helps you to understand how you learn, and to know which styles of work fit you the best by learning the internal and external distracters block your concentration and record your concentration habits in your reading journal. Understanding the reading process is essential if you are to be an effective content area reading

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