Sunday, April 26, 2009

Exercise page# 224 TFY ENG 75

Exercise page #224 TFY ENG 75
1. (True) viewpoints can be either consciously or unconsciously assumed
2. (True) to be exterior to one’s own viewpoint is to see its objectively as just one viewpoint among many
3. (True) egocentrism means being absorbed in one personal view point without being able to put oneself in other peoples shoes
4. (False) religiocentrism means believing ones country is morally superior to any other
5. (True) nations trend to become more ethnocentric in wartime, righteously, affirming their own national superiority while denouncing their enemies
6. (False) authors only tell their stories from one view point
7. (False) a conservative viewpoint is concerned with protected personal freedom
8. (False) a liberal tries to avoid any drastic changes in the political, economic, or social institutions of a society
9. (True) in the united states some republicans are more liberal than some democrats and vice versa
10. (False) we communicate best when we ignore the viewpoints of others

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