Sunday, March 1, 2009

Chapter six summaries (TFY) ENG 75

Chapter six summaries (TFY) ENG 75
An opinion is a person’s ideas and thoughts towards something which it is either impossible to verify the truth of, or the truth of which is thought unimportant to the person. It is an assertion about something especially if that something lies in the future and its truth or falsity cannot be directly established. An opinion is not a fact, because opinions are either not falsifiable, and opinions cannot be proven or verified, which makes this statement true There are a different between opinion and facts, since the opinion can be well subs tainted or not, they can be based either on reasons or facts, and at same time opinions should not be confused with facts .This chapter explores that familiar word opinion and examines how it affects our ability to think critically. By definition opinions might be considered to be our inferences, or decisions about life, we collect them from our experience and store them in our memory files. There are many types of opinions include judgments which are based on personal or collective codes of value, advice, generalizations which must be preceded with training in makes an effort to gather evidence, and sentiments which do not need to be justified.

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