Monday, March 2, 2009

Exercise page # 156 (TFY) ENG 75

Exercise page# 156 (TFY) ENG75
1. When we articulate hidden assumptions, we simply read what we find in print before us.(False)
2. A good argument invariably contains a few hidden assumptions. (False)
3. To make a value assumption is to offer a line of reasoning based on a value or belief assumed to be shared by everyone. (True)
4. Can you believe it? She is twenty three years old and not even thinking of getting married. This statement made by a Puerto Rican mother, contains no value assumptions. (False)
5. Assumptions are often recognized only in retrospect because of the problems they cause. (True)
6. In mathematics, conscious assumptions are called axioms. (True)
7. A conscious assumption can be used as a strategy to lead us to new information. If a child does not come home from school at the usual time, we might first decide to call the homes of the child’s friends, if that turns up no information, we might call the police. (True)
8. Stereotypes contain no assumptions. (False)
9. To be uncomfortable is to be in disequilibrium. Thinking through a problem restores the comfort of our mental equilibrium. (True)
10. Incongruities can provoke us into thinking in order to resolve their conflict with our assumptions and expectations. (False)

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