Monday, March 2, 2009

Exercise page#179 (TFY) ENG 75

Exercise page# 179 (TFY) ENG75
1. Expert opinion calculates the risk involved in spacing the gap between the known and the unknown for a particular situation (true)
2. Giving advice is not a way of offering an opinion(true)
3. The results of public opinion polls are equivalent to votes in elections (false)
4. Opinions in the form of judgments state what is right and wrong, bad, and good (true)
5. Some opinions are based on generalizations, such as stereo types, as in the statement “all Chinese are look alike.” (true)
6. Responsible opinions are based on a careful examination of the evidence (true)
7. Opinions are the same as the fact (true)
8. Gossip is opinion sharing without any requirement for substantiation (false)
9. Everyone is entitled to his or her own opinion because all opinions carry equal value (true)
10. Opinion do not express feelings (true)

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