Sunday, May 3, 2009

Chapter seven exercise page # 199 TFY

Chapter seven Exercise pages # 199
1. Evaluation are not facts but judgments based on conscious as well as unconscious standards (T)
2. Premature evaluations bypass observing and thinking (T)
3. The use of highly connotative words to influence opinion can be a form of hidden evaluation(T)
4. Evaluations should never be used in writing reviews, such as of films and books (F)
5. Repeating evaluations, as is done in advertising, is a way of hypnotizing and swaying opinion(T)
6. A critical thinking skill is the ability to detect evaluations substituted for evidence (T)
7. Prior expectations influence perceptions and our evaluation of these perceptions (T)
8. Our first reactions , before we have had time to examine the evidence, are always the most reliable( T)
9. To evaluate wisely, we have first to observe and then compare, and then be clear about our standards (T)
10. Advertisements encourage us to soak up their own evaluations of their products(T)

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