Sunday, May 3, 2009

Chapter seven summarymTFY ENG 75

This chapter teaches both how to recognizing evaluative words in order to help you acknowledge what you already know and to inspire you to learn more by circle the word that express evaluation. The premature evaluations are evaluations made before we have taken enough time to make a fair study of a situation, and also bypass close observing and thinking, you have to be aware that the evaluations are not fact and require the support of evidence and clear reasoning. our minds tend to operate the evaluation comes easily and instantly, but inspection takes time and effort, we need to learn how to evaluate as well as re-evaluate in order to learn from personal and collective experience. We can say that the evaluations are opinions that can be openly or covertly expressed, it allows us to agree or disagree. Finally, evaluation measures performance, demonstrate program benefits, help improve effectiveness, and create an opportunity.

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