Sunday, May 3, 2009

Chapter fourteen summaries CRCB ENG 75

There's lots of good information on the Internet, but you will also find opinions, misconceptions, and inaccurate information. Still the important thing is how to judge the quality of Internet resources, we should follow Criteria for Evaluation, we need to learn to evaluate the quality of information we find on the web as well as other information resources such as books, magazines, and television. To encourage the comparison and contrast different information resources, we need to consider the following ideas: Who says? Know the author. Who created this information and why? Do we recognize this author or their work? What knowledge or skills do they have in the area? What else has this author written? Does the author acknowledge other viewpoints and theories? Is the information biased? Think about perspective. Is the information objective or subjective? Is it full of fact or opinion? Does it reflect bias? How? How does the sponsorship impact the perspective of the information? Is a balance of perspectives represented? Is the information authentic? Know the source. Where does the information originate? Is the information from an established organization? Has the information been reviewed by others to insure accuracy? Is this a primary source or secondary source of information? Are original sources clear and documented? Is this information accurate? Consider the origin of the information. Is the sources truth worthy? How do we know? Who is sponsoring this publication? Does the information come from a school, business, or company site? What's the purpose of the information resource: to inform, instruct, persuade, and sell? Does this matter? What’s their motive? Is the information current? Consider the currency and timeliness of the information. Does the page provide information about timeliness such as specific dates of information? How current are the sources or links? Is the information helpful? Think about whether you need this information Does the information contains the breadth and depth needed. Is this information worth the effort? Think about the organization and speed of information access. At the end that would help us in determine if the internet resources are reliable in order to get a benefits and gain good information.

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